vineri, 22 martie 2019

The Untold Word

For the lonely hours,
For the untold words,
For the facts made
With hands or by words,
For the silence
That you receive sometimes,
For the misunderstanding and for the pain,
For love that surround me
From that first night of autumn,
From that profound grain
Of secret love
Behind my actions,
For your restlessness
And for the questions
That you still ask to yourself
About me,
For your eyes
That I make them tighten
With despair
The tears of the night,
For the dreams
That makes my moments empty,
For my life
That received you
As a gift from God,
And for my nerves
Risen from your impossibility of finding,
For the yearning that I feel
Every morning,
For my behavior
Of notorious miscreant
And for your sacrifice,
Because the clouds ravished my night,
Because my king is me
And because my queen is you,
For the smiles
That I steal from you
In my unconsciousness,
For the horses who munches
The ember of my ex-fugitive existence,
For the days when shivering
I tired the phone,
For the unfair words
And for the old memories,
For my prayers all,
For your eyes
Today not kissed
And even for your steps
Who rummage burnt leaves,
For my cold hand
And for my bony shoulder,
For my linked wounds
Like the nails from a ship,
For childhood
And for not-offered flowers,
Because once
I started
To love you
With a despair
Never met before
And because by now
I haven’t stop despairing (…)
For the long road
On which I voluntary subdue you
For my friend’s words,
For the unknown experiences
Outside of you,
For the sun that had risen
Not a long time ago for me,
Because I touch you
And because
I can’t stand
Loosing you,
For the darkness
And for my hate
Without a real base,
For my prolong childhood
And for hidden unhappiness,
For eternal love,
For all the years
When I really belonged to you
And for your boredom
Sometimes on the outside,

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